BOSTON — Career training opportunities and certifications offered in high school may not come soon enough for some students, posits Joshua Page, an electrician and author of the engaging new children’s book, "What Does Your Daddy Do?"

“For about the last five or six years, I was being asked to go to career days at high schools and speak about becoming an electrician,” Page said. “But I didn’t think I was making a big enough impact. I thought those kids were a little too old; they had already made up their minds; maybe they’re going to college.” 

A children’s book seemed like the ideal way to reach an elementary school-aged audience. 

"What Does Your Daddy Do?" introduces young readers to Ashton, whose fifth grade class is having career week. Ashton isn’t sure exactly what his dad does, so he goes home and asks him. Ashton then gets to learn about all the cool work his dad does as an electrician and all the interesting tools he gets to use. As career week continues, all the students get to share stories about what their parents do.

“I wrote this book to plant a seed in a younger generation’s mind about how ‘cool’ the trades are and to start the conversation young,” Page added.