Diversity, equality, and inclusion is more than just a goal for the technology world — it’s a necessity. That’s why Mission Critical hosts the annual Women in Technology contest. As the demands for data generation, consumption, sharing, storage, processing, and more continue to grow and cybercriminals become increasingly more threatening, it’s clear that the industry needs more people to collaborative on innovative solutions to consumer needs, sustainable connectivity, and cyber safe infrastructure.

Women from all over the world in a wide range of technology sectors, including data centers, health care, and food processing, were nominated for their admirable contributions to the industry and the people who rely on it.  

As Rebecca Ellis, president of Questions & Solutions Engineering Inc. and one of this year’s winners, so matter-of-factly put it, “If technology is to benefit all people, then all people need to be represented in the development and application of that technology.”

And, with that, Mission Critical is excited to introduce you to the 2022 Top 25 Women in Technology.

Shikha Jain

Title: Senior Consultant - Data Center Design Specialist

Company: N K Jain Consulting Engineers

Age: 41

Education: Bachelor of Engineering in electronics

Professional Credentials/Accreditations: Uptime ATD

Achievements/Awards: Design and implementation of Asia’s largest — the world’s second largest — Uptime Certified Tier IV (TCCF) data center in India.

What made you realize you wanted to pursue a career in technology?

My father is a passionate engineer, so the environment at home was always conducive to technology. In high school, I had a natural inclination for STEM subjects, and that led me to pursue a degree in engineering.

My first job involved design, execution, and commissioning of industrial automation projects, and that experience was very fulfilling. Through various stints in sales and business development within the electrical industry, I realized that the realm of design and implementation electrifies me the most.



What inspires you to do what you do?

Every day brings with it infinite prospects of learning and applying it to further improvise your designs.  

What role does sustainability play in your life?

Sustainability needs to be inculcated in our thought process to embody the philosophy of preservation, conservation, and efficiency. We embed these values by making our designs optimized , standardized, and simple. Optimized designs ensure efficient usage of resources, and standardization allows for a faster replication of proven designs. Adopting simplicity and modularity in our designs has been the key differentiator in achieving the highest uptime and reliability.

What is the most fascinating thing you have learned while working in this industry?

Every link in the chain is critical. Attention to detail at every step goes a long way in realizing your vision.


“Sustainability needs to be inculcated in our thought process to embody the philosophy of preservation, conservation, and efficiency. We embed these values by making our designs optimized , standardized, and simple. Optimized designs ensure efficient usage of resources, and standardization allows for a faster replication of proven designs. Adopting simplicity and modularity in our designs has been the key differentiator in achieving the highest uptime and reliability.”
- Shikha Jain, Senior Consultant - Data Center Design Specialist for N K Jain Consulting Engineers


What’s something unique about you personally?

My ability to put structure to ambiguous situations.

What’s something unique about you professionally?

My ability to think analytically, get to the root of the issue, and take it to a logical conclusion.

What’s your most admirable quality?


Why is diversity, equality, and inclusion important to you?

Diversity, equality, and inclusion allow for healthy debates, rational decisions, and progressive mindsets. Putting these principles in action today will ensure our children will not have to look at these fundamentals as agendas/goals to be met in future.

What aspect of the industry do you think has the most potential for growth, and, on the other hand, which aspect do you think needs the most improvement?

Infra-efficient and lean engineering while retaining the global standards of reliability and uptime is largely unexplored in the data center engineering industry.

Skilled manpower is the most pressing need of the hour in all fields of the data center Sector.   

When you imagine the future of the technology industry, what does it look like?

Green technology is the future. Innovations and solutions of the future must be in harmony with nature.


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