CNet is issuing digital badges to all successfully certified learners from education programs spanning The Global Digital Infrastructure Education Framework.

The badges support both individuals and businesses by having an easily identifiable way to recognize talent and reward accomplishments. This visual tool can enhance employee recognition as well as strengthen job profiles for those seeking new career opportunities.

When individuals achieve certification in a CNet technical education program, they will automatically be issued their unique digital badge. The badges are securely stored and managed by the individual via their user account. They can be shared via social media to verify knowledge, skills, and certifications gained.

CNet requires recertification every three years. This ensures the learner is aware and up to date with the latest standards and codes of practice and brings the learner up to speed with the latest changes and technical developments within the industry. CNet is backdating the digital badges by three years (2017) to everyone who successfully completed a program or recertified during this period.

Digital badging also benefits companies by displaying staff certifications. It also demonstrates a significant commitment to education and ongoing professional development, which can attract potential recruits.

“We’re excited to launch the new digital badges,” said Sarah Parks, director of marketing, CNet. “We wanted to create a talent recognition badge for our learners and our clients to provide the ability to showcase personal achievements. Paper certificates are great, but people don’t carry them around, and they can often be misplaced. Having portable digital badges allow individuals to access their achievements directly and instantly on their devices. The benefits are huge, allowing individuals to clearly showcase their skills and certification and, therefore, stand out from the rest. For companies, showing the badges of their team members will certainly help to enhance brand reputation and competitive advantage.”