The green data center market is forecast to grow from $43.24 billion USD in 2018 to $147.88 billion in 2024. Sustainability has become as central to data centers as, well, data. Uptime may be king, but the energy cost of that uptime is a factor the crown cannot afford to ignore.

If you’re about to future-proof a data center with wind power or build a near-arctic facility for that sweet free cooling, then you’ve got the resources to achieve amazing power usage effectiveness (PUE). But if you’re locked in a staring contest with an unhappy budget projection, a big, green goal can look like a longshot. You need resources now to help you save resources later. A holistic energy-efficiency analysis of your data center can help you green light your efficiency strategy with clear ROI on best practices for improving your PUE.


You can't manage what you can't measure

And if it’s not complete, it’s not accurate. A comprehensive energy-efficiency analysis of your data center obviously measures cooling, IT loads, airflow, and humidity. Cooling alone can eat 40% of a data center’s energy total for inefficient systems. But lighting, electrical distribution, power quality, and even cleaning procedures also impact energy use and downtime risk. Once you have a clear picture of every factor that feeds your PUE, that data can help you determine opportunities for improvement.