The 2018 GDPR Compliance Report released by Crowd Research Partners and co-sponsored by Data443 Risk Mitigation, Inc. reveals that the majority of companies surveyed are at risk of missing the May 25 EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance deadline.

Based on the results of a comprehensive online survey of IT, cybersecurity and compliance professionals, the 2018 GDPR Compliance Report reveals that 60% of organizations are at risk of missing the GDPR deadline. Additionally, while 80% say GDPR is a top priority, many organizations are not staffed to comply.

“The GDPR represents sweeping changes to data security and protection for all companies operating within the European Union and beyond,” says Jason Remillard, founder and CEO of Data443. “The 2018 GDPR Compliance Report shows that 43 percent of companies lack the critical expertise and skills necessary to respond. This validates our approach in offering a single-product solution that meets GDPR challenges through a simple and easy interface that integrates seamlessly with existing infrastructure and includes critical capabilities to ensure all data is stored and utilized in accordance with GDPR requirements.”

Mounting a response to GDPR requires an accurate data inventory, data-classification scheme, and audit functions. Data443’s ClassiDocs™ enables a rapid time-to-value response that covers 12 articles of the GDPR. The product supports over 200 file types and 400 databases, across all data points — local devices, network, cloud, and databases, at rest and in flight — for quick, cost-effective GDPR compliance.