Virtually every area of human endeavour that involves the use of shared resources relies on a reservation system to manage the booking of these assets. Hotels, airlines, rental companies and even the smallest of restaurants rely on reservation systems to make sure they can optimize the use of their assets over time in a way that balances customer satisfaction and profitability. Or, as economists would say, strike a balance between supply and demand.

So why is it that modern IT environments are completely lacking when it comes to having a functioning reservation system to control capacity supply and coordinate the demands for it? The answer lies in the evolution of IT hosting models, and the fact that the closed nature of physical and early virtual environments has made it possible to survive without one. But this survival has been tenuous (most IT environments are not the model of efficiency, let alone agility), and all this is about to change with the rise of cloud computing, where the consumerization of capacity is making the modeling future capacity requirements and proper forecasting of demand critical to the survival of IT. If internal IT organizations cannot establish and maintain efficient, scalable and agile infrastructure then there are external providers that can.


Capacity Reservation System for Virtual & Cloud Environments