CloudPhysics has announced the CloudPhysics Partner Edition. The new edition makes it possible for channel and vendor partners to provide targeted data center assessments by leveraging CloudPhysics' award-winning big data analytics platform. Partners are then able to engage in a data-supported dialogue with their customers and build deeper partner-customer relationships.

"We are excited by the impact Partner Edition is having for our partners and customers. It provides data-driven insights and guides transparent discussions," said Jeff Hausman, CEO, CloudPhysics. "We view Partner Edition as a revolutionary solution to transform how partners and customers jointly identify challenges, design solutions and improve value-added-services engagements."

With the CloudPhysics Partner Edition, partners and customers are able to collaborate to diagnose current and emerging performance issues to ensure overall IT health and to help customers plan for change and/or growth. In addition to infrastructure insights, the edition identifies and simulates optimal workloads and options for moving to the public or hybrid cloud.

"CDW offers customers a complete portfolio of cloud planning services, including a clear, data-driven view into the customer's existing IT environment and validation of prospective changes. We're very pleased to count Cloud Physics' Partner Edition among the valuable tools that we bring to our engagements to help customers orchestrate transformative cloud solutions," said Stephen Braat, vice president of cloud and managed solutions, CDW.

Assessments can be custom-designed or selected from a suite of pre-packaged options, including:

  • Public Cloud Migration Assessments
  • Hyper-Converged Storage Assessment
  • VMware Storage Health Checks
  • Infrastructure Services Assessments
  • Host Compatibility Assessments
  • Inventory Assessments

Each assessment comes with a customized registration web asset for end customers, created and hosted by CloudPhysics. This asset is configured to ensure that each registering customer receives instant access to the desired, partner-branded assessment. Such assessments can be created by distributors as well so distributor partners can create assessments and offer them through their partner ecosystem.

Additionally, each Partner Edition user gains access to a set of supporting tools and resources, including:

  • A customized, "assessment-aware" version of the CloudPhysics Partner Portal, making it possible for partners to fully manage assessments and gauge their success.
  • A CloudPhysics Customer Intelligence Report to enable transparent data-driven discussions between partners and their customers.
  • An assigned, dedicated Partner Success Manager to support the partner in initial setup, enablement and ongoing support in delivering their selected assessments.
  • A full complement of Training and Onboarding Materials.