Cloud Foundry Foundation has announced that the Cloud Foundry Summit 2016 - North America will take place May 23-25, in Santa Clara, CA. The May event is the first in an annual series of international summits that will include events later this year in Europe and Asia.

Registration, and a speakers call for papers are both open for the Santa Clara event. Additionally, sponsorship opportunities are now open for Cloud Foundry members and will be open to any organization on February 15, 2016. More than 2,000 application developers, IT operations experts, technical managers, business leaders, service providers and project contributors are expected to attend. Summit attendees will collaborate with peers, gain first-hand access to Cloud Foundry roadmaps, training and tutorials; and see how others are using Cloud Foundry to support continuous innovation, unleash developers and deliver application portability. Attendees will leave with a clear understanding of microservices, containers, and cloud native application platforms, and how to apply these to their business needs. 

Keynote speakers and the conference schedule will be announced in March. For more information about Cloud Foundry Summit North America visit


This article was originally posted “Cloud Foundry Announces 2016 North America Summit” from Cloud Strategy Magazine.