AFORE Solutions, Inc. has announced that CloudLink® SecureVSA will serve as the data security foundation for the EMC® Encryption-as-a-Service (EaaS) solution. EMC EaaS enables Cloud Service Providers to offer their customers simple to deploy, pay-as-you-go data encryption providing a value-add security service that complements existing as-a-Service offerings including; Infrastructure as a Service, Storage as a Service, Disaster Recovery as a Service, and Hosted Virtual Desktops.

CloudLink helps Cloud Service Providers accelerate cloud adoption and build competitive differentiation by addressing customer security concerns when deploying enterprise applications in the cloud. "EMC Encryption as a Service is a key addition to our portfolio and complements many of the existing EMC as-a-Service solutions offered today" said David Trigg, Vice President, Solutions Group, EMC Corporation. "AFORE is a valued EMC Technology  Select Partner and introducing CloudLink as part of our Encryption as a Service offering provides exciting new opportunities for our Cloud Service Providers to accelerate cloud deployments and grow subscriber revenue."

AFORE CloudLink SecureVSA provides a software defined storage encryption layer between virtualized applications and physical storage arrays encrypting sensitive data in multi-tenant public, private and hybrid clouds. The solution is transparent to both underlying storage infrastructure as well as application workloads making deployment simple for both Cloud Service Providers and their customers. While some approaches encrypt the entire storage infrastructure, CloudLink supports granular encryption on a per-application, per-customer basis providing multi-tenant data separation and key control in an efficient, cost effective manner.

Cosentry, an EMC Business Partner Program Service Provider offering a number of as-a-Service offerings, is now offering EMC Encryption as a Service to help their customers secure their data to meet regulatory compliance such as HIPAA and PCI. "EMC Encryption as a Service provides Cosentry with a data security solution that allows our customers to embrace the benefits of a shared cloud computing model while ensuring their data is segregated and secured from other tenants" said Craig Hurley, Vice President of Product Management, at Cosentry. "The solution makes it very simple to onboard customers and provides very flexible deployment and encryption key management options enabling us to tailor the solution to individual customer's requirements."

Packaging CloudLink within EMC Encryption as a Service builds on existing AFORE/ EMC initiatives to provide the market with yet another avenue to secure virtualized and cloud workloads. "EMC's commitment to providing its customers with the industry's best cloud solutions is undeniable and we are pleased that CloudLink is now an integral part of their cloud service provider offering." said Alex Berlin, President and Chief Executive Officer at AFORE. "CloudLink has proven to address a critical need in the market today for enterprise customers looking to secure their enterprise private clouds; this business partnership and its focus on extending the capability to service providers, should enable a whole new sector of organizations to confidently move forward with their cloud programs."


This article was originally posted “AFORE CloudLink® Powers EMC® Encryption-as-a-Service Offering” from Cloud Strategy Magazine.