EdgeConneX® has announced it is expanding its data center footprint internationally with a new Edge Data Center® (EDC) deployment in Amsterdam. The expansion addresses growing customer demand for the fastest and most reliable physical delivery of content, cloud and applications to local market consumers and enterprises overseas. In addition to the initial Amsterdam deployment, EdgeConneX plans to deploy EDCs throughout Europe, including markets in Ireland, Italy, France, Austria, Germany, and the United Kingdom.

According to Cisco’s® 2014-2019 Global Cloud Index, cloud traffic will consume 83% of all data center traffic by 2019. At that time, annual global cloud IP traffic will reach 8.6 ZB, more than quadrupling since 2014. This massive-scale cloud adoption and the resulting burst in traffic to and from data centers are driving the need to distribute cloud infrastructure to more locations at the edge of the network. These new and distributed Edge locations satisfy the performance, security and economic requirements that consumers and enterprises demand, and which traditional Internet and network architectures can no longer adequately support. Whether it’s streaming 4K content, real-time interactive gaming, industrial Internet of Things (IoT) or cloud computing, enabling the Internet of Everywhere requires a more highly distributed network architecture, with infrastructure deployed much closer in proximity to end-users.

To enable the Internet of Everywhere, EdgeConneX’s model is to deploy purpose-built, state-of-the-art facilities in markets across a region, extending the Internet’s edge as close to enterprises and end-users as possible. To date, EdgeConneX has built 23 data centers across the U.S. to support the ever-growing demand for bandwidth-intensive content and cloud applications.

“Our Amsterdam facility will be our first Edge Data Center in Europe and we look to replicate our U.S. model internationally, supporting a highly distributed data center architecture at the edge of the Internet,” says Clint Heiden, chief commercial officer, EdgeConneX. “We are excited to see the adoption of our strategy by leading European broadband and Internet providers. Our Amsterdam Edge Data Center is a collaborative ecosystem effort and is the first step to bringing our business model benefits to all of Europe.”

EdgeConneX’s model best supports initiatives to deliver exceptionally fast service in The Netherlands via localization of cloud and content. To access the Internet and cloud, consumer and business customers demand secure and resilient service without sacrificing speed. The Amsterdam EDC is purpose-built and precisely located to provide the shortest and fastest routes for content, cloud and application delivery to local consumers, enterprises and Internet customers throughout The Netherlands.