The Third Annual Los Angeles & Southwest Data Center Summit will be held December 17, 2014 at the Los Angeles Athletic Club in Los Angeles. The event will feature expert speakers who will discuss the region's most important trends, patterns, opportunities and challenges, including:

  • Why develop or invest in Southern California and southwest markets? What are the advantages of exposure to Los Angeles, San Diego, Phoenix and Las Vegas?
  • Analysis of demand: What are the customers demands? How important is fiber? How is the cloud impacting the business? How do investors view resiliency? How is the multi-tiered model design playing out in Texas? What is the go-to market strategy?
  • What types of verticals are utilizing data center services in Southern California and Southwest markets?
  • Is there a more advantageous way to structure contracts on a global scale?
  • How have ownership trends (public vs private) (REIT vs traditional financing structure) (owned vs. leased properties) impacted the access to and the cost of capital?

More than 400 executives from 200 firms have attended this over the last two years and more than 350 are expected to attend this year.

For a detailed agenda and to register, visit the website.