DataChambers has announced it is adding a new dedicated “infrastructure as a service” offer to its growing portfolio of cloud-based services. 

The new service is tailored for businesses that want the flexibility and cost-efficiency of a cloud-based infrastructure, but are unable to share server resources because of regulatory constraints or policy issues. With dedicated infrastructure services, they will have their own secure, high-performance computing platform accessible over the Internet or via their carrier-based WAN – hosted, maintained and managed by DataChambers. As a result, they can comply with HITECH, HIPAA, SOX and other privacy regulations.

The new service is monitored and managed around-the-clock by the DataChambers network operations team. It is backed by an onsite power substation, multiple backup generators, state-of-the-art security and surveillance systems, and connectivity to virtually every major communications carrier in the country. In addition, DataChambers and its team are SSAE 16 Type II audited to ensure continuous protection of client systems and data.

“Our new infrastructure as a service solution is ideal for companies that want to replace or extend their existing network or establish redundant processing capacity for business continuity,” said Nicholas Kottyan, CEO of DataChambers. “With a dedicated cloud solution, they can lower their hardware and maintenance costs, respond more quickly to changing business dynamics and eliminate the headaches that can come with managing their own in-house servers.”

The new offer further extends DataChambers’ portfolio of cloud-based solutions. The company also offers cloud-based backup services and non-dedicated infrastructure hosting services. In each instance, solutions are custom-engineered to a client’s precise specifications.