The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) was honored Tuesday with a special award from the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) for its leadership in innovative ideas and research and development of energy efficiency concepts and technologies.

In presenting the award, ACEEE, which is nationally recognized for its work to study and promote energy efficiency, called NYSERDA “one of the world’s leaders” in the energy field and highlighted NYSERDA’s status as the initial developer and implementer of the Home Performance with ENERGY STAR Program.

NYSERDA President and CEO Francis J. Murray and three past presidents of the organization-U.S. Rep. Paul Tonko, Bill Valentino and Peter Smith-accepted the award for NYSERDA.

“It is a great honor to accept this award on behalf of NYSERDA,” said Murray. “ACEEE is a highly esteemed national organization with enormous impact on energy policy, research and education in this country. We are grateful that this prestigious organization has recognized both New York’s leadership in energy efficiency, as well as the vision and creativity of NYSERDA professionals who, over the decades, have dedicated their lives to building a secure energy future for all New Yorkers.”

Congressman Paul Tonko said, “Standing beside both my predecessor and my successor at NYSERDA, I could not be more proud of this organization or New York State for receiving such an honor from ACEEE. NYSERDA advances notions that all of America should embrace – that energy efficiency should be our fuel of choice. Energy efficiency is the cheapest power plant we never have to build and keeps our air and water clean. I commend all of the committed and hard-working staff at NYSERDA for sharing in this award.”