SANTA FE, NM - ComputerSite Engineering, Inc., jointly developed a new white paper with the Uptime Institute,Operational Sustainability and Its Impact on Data Center Uptime Performance, Investment Value, Energy Efficiency, and Resiliency. Operational Sustainability is a significant concept applicable to both data center design and operations-as important, if not more important, to the ultimate performance of the investment than Tier level. According to the authors, site resiliency is the combined result of Tier Topology and Operational Sustainability, and a new rating system based on the combination of the two will result in a new Classification, an overlay to the Tier Certification, to demonstrate the site’s predicted resiliency.

“Operational Sustainability” is a new industry term, developed by consultants and faculty of both organizations, referring to design and operating factors that affect a site’s resiliency through infrastructure performance, effectiveness, and long-term value. By evaluating site selection, building characteristics, fitness-for-use, investment effectiveness, and management & operations, a rating of A, B, or C is added to the Tier rating to indicate the longevity of the Certification. So a site with an A after its Tier rating will hold its Certification for five years.

In tandem with the release of the white paper describing this new evaluation methodology, the authors have also collaborated on an update of the defacto industry standard, Tier Classifications Define Site Infrastructure Performance, that outlines the requirements the Institute uses when rating and Certifying against Tier through licensee ComputerSite Engineering. According to the Institute’s Certification Manager, Julian Kudritzki, “This Tier white paper revision addresses industry feedback about organization and specific topics, such as engine generators;” it also clarifies and builds on the original (unchanged) fundamental concepts.

The white paper also warns against claiming to Tier levels without Institute 3rd-party validation.